Saturday, April 25, 2009

Video from the Ravens war room

Here's video from the Ravens war room, at the time of their selection of Oher, complete with the guy who calls it in misspelling Oher's name:

War room vid

Other than Ozzie and Harbaugh:

  • That's Cam Cameron on the phone with Oher.
  • The guy at 1:35 in jeans and a dress shirt, sitting on Ozzie's left who pats his arm and tells him "good job", is owner Bisciotti.
  • It's dir of player personnel Eric DaCosta whom Ozzie tells at 1:45 "You kill me with your scientific s**t."
  • The guy in the green shirt, whom Harbaugh hugs and then tells "Best offensive line in the league," is OL coach John Matsko.
  • The bald guy is the spec teams coord Rosburg.
  • The old guy sitting down the table, just visible for an instant at 1:08, I think is former owner Modell. Might be wrong there: but they do continue to involve him in stuff. He was present at the presser announcing Harbaugh's hiring.
  • That's team president Dick Cass to Bisciotti's left at 1:15, who asks if Oher was the last guy in the green room.
Great to see Ozzie looking so relaxed and confident at the head of the table. Perhaps most interesting is the view of the walls around the room. I guess that's what the draft board looks like. The vid doesn't have enough resolution to read the names on the cards, but you can see how it's laid out, and get a sense of the process.

Great vid.

1 comment:

  1. The guy who called in the pick spelled Oher's name wrong. Congratulations on your new offensive lineman, Michael Hoer.


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