Saturday, October 8, 2011

Al Davis

So wow. Al Davis dead.

There was a time when I would have felt qualified to eulogize this man. He was both great and terrible, both Peter and Ivan. There was a time when the hallowed grounds of the NFL quaked beneath his footfalls. We can argue about his impact but we certainly cannot deny it.

There are a lot of internet entities that understand him better and will have more lucid things to say about Davis than I would.

But for my part I will simply retire his name. Not that we won't talk about him and not that we won't potentially talk about other prominent footballers named Al Davis. Really, it's just an honorary retirement, a tiny shout out to this man we both admired and ridiculed.


  1. Al was definitely worthy of our admiration. People talk about black coaches not getting a shot, he hired Art Shell in the 1980s, but what about Hispanic coaches? He hired Flores over 30 years ago, how many others have there been?


  2. Until Ron Rivera this year, you'd have been correct.



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