Thursday, January 7, 2010

Charlie Weis returns to the NFL

As OC of the Chiefs!

ESPN's story: Weis accepts job with Chiefs story: Chiefs and Weis are a good fit

I didn't realize he & Todd Haley had a relationship. I guess I might have subconsciously thought Weis would join the staff of his old QB coach McDaniels, in Denver. (Hah!)

Charlie Weis is a big fat blowhard as a head coach. But
as an NFL offensive coordinator, he was a wizard. Does this stabilize the Chiefs? Haley says he might not be done shaking up his staff. Romeo Crennell is out there.

Jason Whitlock wonders how well The Great Weis Hope and Hothead Haley can coexist in one offensive meeting room:

I just don’t see Haley and Weis as equally yoked. Weis is a self-made football coach. He coached high school football in the ’70s and early ’80s. He did four years at the University of South Carolina. While coaching a New Jersey high school team to the state championship, he moonlighted as an assistant in the Giants’ pro personnel department. He spent 15 years as an NFL assistant and won three Super Bowls before he landed the Notre Dame job.
After completing his college golf career, farting around and shadowing his dad, Haley became an NFL position coach for the Jets in 1999. He became a play-calling offensive coordinator late in the 2007 season at Arizona. And now he’s Charlie Weis’ boss. Wow!
Great column.

The KC situation has not added up for me in the past. I never put my finger on why I'm not a believer. I guess we'll see if Weis makes the difference.


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