Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dan Snyder has a love of learning

Dan Steinberg writes the DC Sports Bog for the Washington Post. Not "blog", it's "bog" as in swamp or getting bogged down. And he's brilliant. Today he writes:

What Daniel Snyder has learned: A brief history
Now we're on the eve of another training camp, and many of the introductory stories will surely focus yet again on what Snyder has learned: hiring a general manager and a strong coach, backing away from personnel decisions, cutting his friendly ties with players, and so on. For example, from Fox Sports this summer:
"I learned - and I think this has to do with Joe Gibbs - the most important thing for me personally is to have a head coach who is extremely competent," Snyder said. "That's what I've got with Mike. It creates an opportunity for me to be extremely hands off and not have to worry."
But -- without being a total crank -- it seems worth pointing out that this year isn't the first time people will talk about what Snyder has learned, and last year wasn't, either. A brief history:
And then Steinberg lists 10 years of quotes from Snyder, about what he has learned this year. They're stunning and beautiful, listed like that.

Oct, 2001: Now I've learned...
Jan, 2002: Ok, now I've really learned...
Mar, 2003: Ok, this time we really are going to build thru the draft...

Great work by Steinberg. Go read it.


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